About Us

Project PC was created in 2016 by Adam Beddall. It is an article driven website for news, blogs, reviews, and other types of information. Project PC has its roots within gaming, crypto, and tech.

Currently the editorial staff consists of one author (who also maintains the website), but over time you may see other authors post articles.

Review Policy/Guide

We prefer to keep our review guide small and effective. You should find a breakdown (please see the example below) of the review score underneath each review.


Here would be the heading of the article

Here would be the summary verdict of the review

We score games /10 or 15 per the below criteria and then calculate that number as a percentage. We take into consideration that not every game shares the below criteria i.e., replability. When this is the case, the scoring is adjusted:

Category Details Score
Story Strong exciting plot? Good controlled player progression? Interesting characters? Exciting player choices/decisions? All games generally feature a plot or player progression. /15
Gameplay Fun mechanics? Easy controls? Well laid out UI? Does it feel right? All games should be enjoyable with fun gameplay mechanics and controls. /15
Graphics/Artwork Exciting unique artwork? Detailed graphics that fit its genre and setting? /10
Value Does it hit the pound to hour ratio? DLC/micro-transactions/expansion packs? Pre-order bonuses? /10
Replayability One play through or multiple? Are side-quests/missions/puzzles interesting and fun? /10
Atmosphere Always immersive? Are the settings with rich and filled with lore or great locations? Is the atmosphere special? /10
Soundtrack Good, varied and well composed music? Are the ambience sounds immersive or fitting? How good are the item/weapon/interaction noises? /10
Performance Is the game optimised? High minimum/recommended specifications? Are there lots of display options for performance? Reports of exclusive optimisation and settings? /10
That Special Something Is the game innovative in any way? Will this game revolutionise the genre or gaming in general? Does it feature any uniqueness? /10

Contact Us

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Email: projectpc2017@gmail.com